The Meloni model is the same as the British one adopted by Boris Johnson in Rwanda. Dictators and regimes are paid to hold migrants captive.
(The following article is machine translated using Google Translate)
There was a time when ” civilized countries “ went to Africa to capture men and women, to enslave them and put them to work. Instead, this is the time where states and governments that are always civilized do everything to bring back to Africa women, men and children who come from there, driven by forced migration. At the time of the slaves, in the markets of human beings created directly in European and American ports, the price was fixed on the basis of the build, the apparent state of health (one looked at the teeth, like horses or the eyes, like fish when you buy it at the counter), and the function.
A ” male beast” of burden could be worth a lot, but even a beautiful ” female beast” for reproduction, also considering the use for itself that the owner could have made of it, brought in a lot to human traffickers. Today however, thanks to modernization, the price for a man, woman or child is set in a standard manner on a national basis. For example, for every human being that the United Kingdom delivers to Rwanda for detention in the small African country, the price is fixed at 1,68,000 pounds . The English public debate, also driven by the rejection by the English Court of Appeal of what is defined by the judges as a “inhuman programme” , is much more heated if we talk about the economic aspects: within the same majority of Prime Minister Sunak, son of immigrants and great sponsor of the deportations of those of today, there are those who are indignant about the squandering: in fact, keeping a refugee inside the United Kingdom would cost thirty thousand pounds less!
The European Union, after some customary indignation over the British project, actually seems to have been inspired: the discussion, led by the Italian government, with Tunisia and Libya is exactly this. The European plan, signed in Luxembourg by the Union’s interior ministers, saw only two countries against it, Poland and Hungary. Which, as we know, would eliminate the root problem of black migrants, with a “final solution”. After the ratification of the new “pact for migration and asylum” issued by the Luxembourg summit, it will be possible to deport ” irregular migrants, present on European territory ” to“safe third countries ” outside the borders of the Union, obviously in exchange for lavish funding for these same countries, which will have to set up detention camps for the deportees.
There is another radical difference between the time when human beings went to pick them up at their homes, and the time when we pay to get rid of them: in the first case, the “goods” had to arrive as healthy as possible, because they were sold at the end of the journey. Today however, if they die earlier, it’s less money to get out. The “Rwanda project” does not belong to Sunak, the current British prime minister. It was his predecessor Boris Johnson who conceived it and tried, unsuccessfully due to strong opposition from human rights organizations, the Church and the judges, to implement it. But why Rwanda? For the great willingness to enter this new business of “legal” human trafficking on the part of its president, the sixty-three year old Paul Kagame , considered the hero who stopped, 27 years ago, the genocide of a million people of Tutsi and “moderate” Hutu ethnicity , organized by Hutu militias financially supported by France. Even in this terrible story, the “civilized world” has something to do with it.
Not only France, but just think that already in 1924 Belgium “received” Rwanda as a gift from the League of Nations. To organize the colony, the Belgians choose the Tutsi as kapo, and the Hutu as slaves. Why? The Tutsi have a light complexion, and according to the dictates of nineteenth-century physiognomy, they are for this reason “more reliable” for the white masters. The Hutus, black and squat in build, are the beasts of burden. The third ethnic group in the region, the Twa, are pygmies. For white masters comparable to forest monkeys. The 1994 genocide it comes from here. It goes through the expulsion of the Tutsis from Rwanda at the end of the Belgian colonial rule . Paul Kagame, is the Tutsi leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, which fights for the return of refugees, which officially takes place in 1993 with the Arusha agreements. From that moment the Hutu militias plan the genocide. With French complicity, the “interahamwe” which means ” those who work together” are created and armed.
Lists of Tutsi exponents to be killed are drawn up; thousands and thousands of machetes are purchased in China, through the Chillington company of Kigali , which will be used materially to slaughter women, men and children. “Radio Machete ” is created , the “Free Radio and Television of the Thousand Hills” as they define it, which serves to coordinate and incite the Hutus to ” complete the job” of exterminating the “cockroaches”. Hutus who refuse to cooperate in the village-by-village mass murders are also slaughtered. Kagame, with the Tutsi, manages to put an end to the massacre in July 1994.To give the proportion of what happened, it must be known that over a million people were slaughtered in just one hundred days, with an average of four hundred every hour.
Can a country, one of the smallest in Africa, where a similar tragedy occurred less than thirty years ago, be today the “safe place” in which to forcibly deport refugees from all over the world? Kagame, the president who has ruled for two decades, says yes. “My government is motivated to provide this welcome by altruism and moral responsibility ”. But critics are not lacking even if dissident voices, like other Tutsi members of Kagame ‘s Patriotic Front , have mysteriously disappeared, or been killed, like Patrick Karegeya, whose story is well told in the book Do not disturb: the story of a political murder and an African regime gone bad,by the English journalist Michela Wrong . Detractors argue that the reason for this willingness to act as a refugee camp for Europe is economic and image.
“The migration agreements with the West are part of Rwanda’s drive to recycle its image abroad ,” Professor Haastrup, a professor of international politics at the University of Stirling in Great Britain , told the New York Times . To finance the camps project, more than one hundred million dollars have already been diverted through UN programs , 140 million seem to have already been collected by the United Kingdom, and the three-year contract with Denmark for the deportation of refugees also seems very substantial. To “sell” its service, the government of Kigali needs to present well what it offers: tours have been organized with international journalists and media, to visit the center of Gashora, about 40 miles south of the capital Kigali.
“Bare but clean rooms, with double beds” as the New York Times writes . To then add: “The center is fenced off. But guests get three meals a day and can bond with each other by preparing traditional foods. They can also play volleyball.” A Mediterranean club for deportees. Kagame, who was re-elected for the third time in the last elections with 99% of the votes, has not organized a visit to another place. It is located in the Gikondo district in Kigali and is called “Kwa Kabuga” .
Since 2021 Human Rights Watch has denounced its inhumane conditions. Even street children end up there, when it is necessary to “clean up” the city center. Of course, the promotional tour for journalists is not enough to explain where tens of thousands of refugees from Burundi, Congo, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan are being held . Which are already in Rwanda, but no one shows where and under what conditions. Giorgia Meloni , who immediately offered help and solidarity to the British premier after the judicial blockade of the British deportations to Rwanda, wants to do the same, but in Tunisia. Minniti has already done it in Libya , just continue.And how much will a “nigger” cost to send back to Tunisia? Will they be cheaper than Rwanda?