- Etiopia, notizie ed aggiornamenti da Adigrat, Tigray – Voci della ricostruzione [It]
- Ethiopia, news & updates from Adigrat, Tigray – Voices of reconstruction [Eng]
Today I get news from the NGO – CoL – Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development, Adigrat.
The NGO has been operating in the regional state of Tigray for more than a decade, with projects and activities dedicated to supporting the local population.
Today more than ever the time has come for rebirth, for reconstruction.
The air in Adigrat is calm and the situation is improving, unlike other woredas, districts and rural areas that are either still under Amhara/Eritrean occupation or have not yet been reached by sufficient humanitarian support.
All CoL staff are strongly committed to supporting the people of Tigray. Their children have started going to school again.
Recent activities and plans for future projects:
- the NGO managed to purchase 40 tons of food to feed 1,000 children and 450 pregnant and breastfeeding women for 6 months. The WFP – World Food Program has collaborated in the transport from Addis Ababa to Tigray.
- Chain of Love is planning the maintenance of 180 potable water systems that will serve more than 12,000 people.
- The association needs funds to rent a vehicle to be able to reach the various locations.
- CoL has managed to purchase animal medicines to support veterinary clinics to protect livestock loss which are a very important asset for farmers in Tigray.
- The NGO is planning to provide cash to farmers who lost their homes and properties destroyed or looted by the enemy/Eritrean army so as to help them rebuild their businesses and farms.
- Also on the planned program is the purchase of potato seeds for farmers who have irrigation systems, but do not have the capacity and funds to buy the seeds.
- Chain of Love announces that the NGO’s budget is limited and asks for support in seeking funds to help these farmers.
- Since April CoL has been planning to help women affected by GBV – Gender Based Violence and as war victims to help them restart the self-help activity by supporting them in recovery and from the point of view of entrepreneurial training.
- Chain of Love has already received some funds from a historic association in Udine (Friuli VG – north east Italy) to support about 30 women, but CoL plans to extend the support to another 20 women. For this, between 15,000 and 20,000 euros are needed.
Chain of Love is committed to serving and supporting more than ever its people, the Tigrayan people battered by 2 years of genocidal war.
In addition to the economic donations to support the projects, the NGO seeks and needs more than ever new partnerships, collaborations precisely in order to be able to carry on supporting and helping as many needy people as possible in Tigray.
In order to donate to Chain Of Love, 3 c/c are available:
- Bank Name: Wegagen Bank SC Meyda Agame Branch
- Beneficiary Name: Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development
- Current account number: 0957670811501
- Swift Code-WEGAETAA
- Bank name: Awash Bank, Adigrat Branch
- Beneficiary Name: Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development
- Account Number: 01308790851000
- Swift Code: AWINETAA
- Bank Name: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Adigrat Branch
- Beneficiary Name: Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development
- Current account number: 1000021037773
- Swift Code: CBETETAA
- EMAIL: chainoflove4hed@gmail.com (the most direct and fastest method)
- TELEPHONE: +251 344451901
- FAX: +251-344 451 904
Introducing Chain of Love
The following is the presentation of the NGO divided by Objectives, Mission, operational area, focus main areas of activity.
Organizational vision (as per statute):
Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development plans to remove poverty for the people in the Tigray Region and seeks to support and help raise people’s living conditions.
Chain of Love for Human and Environmental Development works professionally, effectively and transparently with the most vulnerable groups in society, development partners and other key stakeholders to create greater access to economic and social services, empower and build the capacities of communities and reduce vulnerability, so as to improve food security and eradicate poverty in the Tigray Region.
Main purpose of the NGO:
The general objective of the Association is to improve the quality of life and livelihood of people in a sustainable way, promoting their active participation for autonomy, food security and poverty reduction.
To improve the health and education status of people in the Tigray Region To promote the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable groups in society, especially women, young people, children, people with disabilities and the elderly.
To promote the multiple use of water resources to improve the sustainable livelihoods of families To promote the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of bio-diversity in Tigray.
Operational zone / S Woreda / S IN THE REGION (for the various pre and post war activities and projects):
Pre war projects: Eastern Tigray, weredas: Adigrat, Albina-afeshum, Adigrat, Irob and Saesie Tsaeda-EMBA.
NOTE: The operational area, however, is the entire Tigray Region
- Create better access to education services
- Creating access to health services Improve food security and livelihoods, reduce vulnerability
- Development of water resources for multiple uses
- Rehabilitation and environmental management
- Conduct research for development
- Optimization of the creation capacities of the stakeholders in the respective program areas
- Provide emergency relief and rehabilitation in the event of natural disasters
PHOTO: Adigrat Tigray – August 2013